President's Message 2009

Since my last term as President I have spent a good deal of time listening to moans and groans from members across the principality. "What is The WBU doing for us?". "What has gone wrong with our competitions - the Welsh Cup, the Cambria Cup etc". "Why is nobody entering these events?". "In 5 years time there won't be a WBU!".

Having listened, I now have the opportunity of trying to sort out what members actually do want. Most comments have been destructive rather than constructive. We all know what's going wrong, but we don't all know how to put it right - even what is right!

This year I challenge you to put Bridge in Wales back on the track YOU want it to be on. Gwynn Davis has produced a paper on his thoughts on the demise of the Bridge in Wales. Is he right? Please, use his paper, which can be accessed here on the WBU website, as a basis for sending me your thoughts and constructive ideas. (The paper is also available on line at where comments can be posted on the Blog page. Registration required.)

So, it is not so much a question of what the WBU is doing for you but, what YOU can do for the WBU - to make our Welsh Bridge Union provide the structure and services that you, the members, desire.

Between us, I hope we succeed. We must succeed!

I look forward to meeting many of you during my year and anticipate lots of great new ideas.

Alan Screen