WBU Masterpoints

Here are a few things we have been able to establish about the WBU masterpoints scheme. Many thanks to Noelle Bond who supplied most of these.

Early records

The earliest MP listing Noelle has is typed and dated 13th May 1962. The first 7 entries are:

  Master points Local points
1. Mr Paul Spurway - Cardiff 457 70
1. Mr J Hockey - Cardiff 294 22
2. Dr J Butler - Cardiff 248 50
3. Mr G Needham - Cardiff 246 67
4. Mr G Fox - Cardiff 239 82
5. Mr S Reed - Cardiff 174 73
6. Mrs P Spickett - Cardiff/Newport
156 34

The first time the masterpoint listing appeared in the annual competitions brochure was in 1968. The list, dated 31st May 1968, now includes 302 members and there are 12 Life Masters:

  Club Master points Local points
1. Dr. J. Butler Cardiff 436 30
2. Mr. S. Reed Cardiff 402 37
3. Mr. J. Hockey Swansea 384 51
4. Mrs. B. Williams Cardiff 383 35
5. Mr. G. Needham Cardiff 380 71
6. Mr. G. Fox Cardiff 360 48
7. Mrs. M. Fletcher Cardiff 338 66
8. Mr. C. Samuels Cardiff 323 25
9. Mr. B. Clowes Cardiff 318 84
10. Mr. L. R. Griffin Swansea 317 58
11. Mrs. J. S. Spickett Cardiff 312 94
12. Mr. R. V. Bevan Swansea 300 10

The 22 National Masters include David Hamilton, Jessie Newton, Patrick Jourdain, Max Powell and Colin Smith.

Grand Masters

Patrick Jourdain was the first to reach the rank of Grand Master, on 29/4/77. The first dozen to achieve this honour were these:

Patrick Jourdain 29/4/77
John Hockey 8/3/78
Stanley Reed 22/5/78
David Hamilton 8/2/79
Mike Hirst 27/4/80
Max Powell 30/10/81
Robert Upton & John Salisbury 16/5/84
Alan Pierce 28/4/85
Jessie Newton 9/4/86
Gerry Needham 26/5/86
Tony Casey 22/1/89

The 2006 list has 37 Grand Masters, headed by Patrick Jourdain with 5236 master points, and about 90 Life Masters!

Masterpoint Secretaries

There seem to have been only five holders of this arduous and much-appreciated post.

1954 Margery Kirk (later to be Margery Greenwood)
1962 Mr A P Bartlett
1965 June Lucas
1973 Barbara Cornish
1992 Noelle Bond